Friday, May 25, 2007

Adventure, savvy?

Skipped school, (fullday) watched pirates at Cathay with the class, helped Yousian get stuff at Plaza Sing for bodybuilder, went to support soccer, went City Hall then went Serangoon, then went home. Overall its been a pretty good day! =)

Basketball girls won by a close 53-50 to RJ, clinching the championship! Didn't watch the match but it sounded like a really really close fight (evident from the scoreline..) Good job to them!

Of course, it wasn't good when the girls lost 0-1 to SA with a pretty stupid goal. I realise that when girls play team sports and get tense/nervous (or maybe its because they play team sports) their performance drops by a larger proportion compared to when guys are tense. Really, i'm not being sexist but perhaps its just the difference in thinking? During the match for the large part both teams were stressed and panicky, making hasty passes when there was time to think and thinking too much when there wasn't. After SA scored the goal however, you could tell they loosened up and then their playing became much better with neat passes and good coordination compared to the hasty rushes of VJ.

For the first half of the match though, it seemed like VJ was dominating the game, with the ball hardly ever entering our half. We were even saying Farah was falling asleep and that she needed tea or something to keep her from dozing off in boredom. But that fact meant that there were over a dozen people in one half, making attacking a messy business with many wasted chances and many attempts that just couldn't work due to the sheer number of people present! Overall it was perhaps an error in tactics, or a breakdown of concentration and team bonding. Whatever it was it doesn't matter now that its over, it can be a lesson learnt, a painful memory to drive yourself harder in future, but the fact is its over. So cheer up girls, the rigours of training and the effort you've all put in won't be forgotten and won't be overlooked, just look at the sheer amount of people who voluntarily went to support you all! (after all, with fullday noone is really obliged to go) Since you gave it your all to play the game, theres no regret, no "what ifs" and "should haves", theres just the knowledge that you can face yourselves!

Okay now about pirates, its probably the coolest shows i've ever seen, with an amazing storyline and an even more amazing set of characters. Jack Sparrow is the most interesting character, mixing good and bad with a likeable charm that makes you rethink your conceptions of the good and the bad. Sadly the movie felt rushed to me since its like a whole trilogy was cramped into the span of one 3 hour long movie when it could've been featured more deliciously in 3 2 hour movies. True, the wait would be unbearable, but the story wouldn't have so many loopholes. So how did the kraken die? What exactly can Calipso do? What happened to Davy Jones and Calipso? So many unanswered question that it begs for there to be a sequel, even where none has been hinted.

The allure of the series is also the very notion of pirates, with their lawless behaviour governed by a code (i.e. a law) The idea of being a pirate inspires images of freedom and the power to grab what you want, to carve out your destiny as you saw fit. Especially so in Singapore where we are confined to our barless cage of social responsibility, societal responsibility etc. For us, to living as a pirate would mean living a life without the monotonous certainty the next day would be safe and routine, where events hardly occur and life is as colourful as a piece of transparency. A pirates life meant that your own power, skill and wit amounted for success rather than the ability to store copious amounts of information for later regurgitation.

Like sweet release it would be, and the movie portrays it so beautifully, showing us the carefree nature of men who could stroll decks pregnant with flying splinters and blazing cannonballs, of men who risk their lives merely on impulse, on what they feel like doing without regard for consequence or responsibility. A stark contrast to the life of a typical singaporean. Perhaps its just how we always feel the grass is greener on the other side, but either way an attarction is an attraction.

Ultimately, to live a life where we don't look back in grief, where we aren't haunted by the ghosts of our past, the reaper of our past misdeeds, to look back content and accepting - that is happiness.

Think of the past to change the future, think of the future to mend the past, think of the future to pick your present actions. The future is important but it means nothing without a past, or present.

jiayou sam! =)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

cool stuff

Hockey girls beat SAJC 1-0 with a blitzkrieg just after the second half started, crushing SA morale when they were already exhausted, the rest of the game proceeded relatively easily with one more attempt at a goal. (though it was way out of the D, so not counted) Overall it was quite exciting, though it was confusing for many due to the complicity of the rules in hockey compared to soccer and also the fact there was a net obscuring the view if a tiny white ball being flicked around (as tisha said, "white mouse running around")

The hockey girls fought hard and some of them were really tired to collapsing point, kudos for holding SA so well! Being the first time i've seen the girls play, i must admit that my previous impression that they dominate tournaments is cause they have skills while the other schools are completely, well crap. Not true based on todays performance, SA played well, almost at equal level to VJ considering how some errors consistently appeared on the vj side.

While this match was going on i was recieveing live (almost) coverage of the soccer guys match from mr. OngXuanFeng of SAJC, whereupon SA lost to us by 2-1. Notably the goal by SA was a freekick from the 40m line, not bad at all for a Singaporean game! (no offense guys)

So today was a good "haul", we're secured a champion and the soccer boys have somewhat gotten back at SA from their previous draw against them. Good Job hockey girls, soccer guys! Next up is just basketball and soccer girls, though fullday means most people (like me) probably won't appear in school.

Haiz, i'm guessing my recent lack of inspiration for nice blog posts can be largely accounted due to my recent focus on commenting in cosiety due to certain....reasons. =)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

the last two days of my second term of my second year

Hockey girls finals, soccer guys semifinals, basketball finals, soccer girls finals. The next two days promise a lieu of exciting matches for victorians to indulge themselves in, halfday, fullday or not. Personally i'll be catching the hockey girls and soccer girls games respectively in the next two days, especially since fridays a full day (yea yea who doesn't already know?) and how my class is apparently dismissed at 12 tomorrow for hockey.

This year us guys (especially yeartwos) have evidently had our asses thoroughly screwed in variety of ways, we've suffered humiliation and condescending comments, smug remarks and disappointed glances. Well does that really matter? It hurts at first, it makes us feel like we have lost our last chance in life to succeed in bringing glory for our school. Then that feeling goes, it may be hidden under layers of comforting words or beautiful words but also because deep down you know you've worked hard, that you've pushed yourself over the limit again and again just to improve yourself by just a little bit. The end is for the records, for the rest of the country to judge us by, but all that really matters is that we are able to judge ourselves and be content with our effort.

On cosiety (that place seems so hip now, huh) a person mentioned how we shouldn't have the cheek to ask for days off considering our lousy performance this year in terms of sports. Apparently the performance of our (stellar) performing arts groups was not considered by this individual. This being despite the fact that SYF is a competition held only once every two years and that many of the participating schools have sent international standard bands/choirs/whatevers.

Why? Simply because sports tend to be seen as the more demanding, cooler, more publisized CCAs. Sportsmen train on fields, on the track, a typical student probably sees one sportsman or another training everyday. Compare this to the performing arts, who spend their time in limited areas (due to school rules etc) struggling to perfect their skill amidst a cacaphony of noise. We do not see them as they huddle in secluded corners devoting endless hours to perfect a short piece of music or dance, we only see them appearing for lessons then disappearing, as if they all went home to sleep. To quote a choir friend: "Choir is so much more demanding physically and mentally than kayak lor." To some extent that is true since the amount you can push yourself in such groups is greatly dependent on talent and to try breaking that barrier of potential is vastly impossible as compared to training a sport, based on Singapore's standards. Imagine trying to reach a note that your vocal chords simply cannot reach.

So when we get our full day someday lets remember not just the effort and will shown by the sports in their matches but also the unseen battles faced and won by our performing arts.

Four matches in two days, all important, all determining top positions in their respective national tournaments. Excluding the soccer boys, these matches are all finals involving the girls teams, who are keeping up with the tradition of owning the singapore schools sporting scene. People argue that in conservative singapore only VJ girls can train like guys, that their competitions are practically walkovers. Obviously these naysayers haven't seen them train. The blood, sweat and tears of girls are the same as guys and we shouldn't forget that.

So for all those who decided to spend their days sleeping, i persuade you, go support. Go cheer them on like you would our soccer boys, give your heart and soul on the stands so that theirs beat stronger on the field. Besides, there'll be drums. (for soccer girls, as far as i know)

Make the last fight the best fight

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Dragonforce are now officially good live performers.

Just got back a while ago from Dragonforce's live performance here in our very own downtown east and i must say they've really improved from the fall-off-stage-drunks that they were last time! I just drank a breda and a heineken so i'm a little high, forgive me if i dont make sense anywhere in the post.

The concert started real late, probably since they had to wait for the poor turnout to enter the little place, i'm guessing somewhere between 700-1000 people, out of a standing capacity of 2000. Not too great, but its encouraging considering this is the first time their here in Singapore and the lack of mainstream advertising. Sadly despite the enthusiasm (initial) the crowd was quite lethargic and dead in the beginning and moshing was practically inexistant whilst jumping and even just singing along was hardly present. As zp (lead) stated: "that was horrible" after the crowd flopped at singing.

Thankfully they managed to get pretty drunk by the second half and really started going crazy, making the crowd get just a little higher. A mosh pit of about 20-30 people was created, some bodysurfing happened and lots more shouting, screaming and singing along by the crowd. To the left is probably the best and coolest looking picture i got throughout the performance and as you can see, we were pretty close to the stage! Sadly some of us are pretty short and somehow we seemed to have extra tall people standing in front of us.

At points it seemed to me like Herman was bored, after all he looked relaxed even as he dished out whicked soloes. After some consideration though we decided its just cause hes too damn good that such "simple" stuff were like second nature to him.

Some pics:

Pre-concert high! The Dragonforcers - Jastine Shayne JAmes Normen Me Yuanhong Edmund (in his uber-bright-yellow-asking-to-be-whacked adidas tee)

A lousy pic of James and I, post-concert

A pretty lousy shot of a very drunk Sam Totman ("yoo wheres the cameras..? Woa i see stars flashing"), nearly got a pic with him, damn! Jastines got a better shot, shall grab it next time!

Edmund tired out after the trip, aaw how cute! haha

During the concert this convo occured, not sure between who so i'll guess abit.

ZP (i think): Are you all ready to blow the fucking roof off? (something like that)

Fred: dude you just said fuck, you're gonna get jailed dude.

Which is quite true, in Singapore the conservative rules are so strict you can't curse without fearing some bad, official consequences. Which might explain the not-so-terrific turnout (I'm sure there are more metalheads out there who didn't come, like Shiva and co.) Which might also explain why the crowd was generally boring and looked like they were at some school play without seats. Which might explain why some 2m tall guy was pissed off at moshers, pushing me away real hard at the back of my neck even though i hardly touched him. Which probably explains why when we pushed some people around us most didnt join in the moshing. We're just a little too conservative to hold true metal concerts.

Lets hope by the time Iron Maiden comes (if ever) Singapore will be ready to give them a huge crazy crowd to rock the national stadium.

I want a Dragonforce guitar pick! @.@

Friday, May 18, 2007

Fight on VJ, Fight on..

The soccer boys, pride of VJC, the image of our school, the thoroughbred winners, lost today to Raffle Junior College 6-7 in penalties after a 1 - 1 draw. There was half hearted playing by some and a lack of the inspirational Mr. Tan Yew Hwee, but its too late to grouse over that. The match was hard fought, and hard cheered and considering our lack of a motivating leader thats a pretty darn good achievement.

By leader i meant principal, for in a college as close knit as ours a principal can be seen as the parent, watching over us and giving advice. Unfortunately the newly apointed Mr. Chan certainly pales in comparison to Mrs. Chan, and i'm not talking about his skin colour derived from utter lack of sporting participation. Due to his crappy, pointlessly-running-around-the-bush speeches and lack of half days, i'm more than inclined to write a biased opinion on the man. But i don't like biaseness.

I remember last year, Mrs. Chan wasn't really a principal, she was more of the school counsellor, a student. While hes walking around trying to make himself known as a concerned man, she walks around making strangers become friends. While he sits in his office wiping his sweat she moves around the crowds, runs the cross country, cheers with us. The victorian spirit, or any spirit for that matter, isn't talking about it, its doing it.

Have we seen him down supporting matches? I remember Mrs. Chan was at practically all important (and even "unimportant") matches. In fact, on the day where VJC was playing SAJC for both hockey and soccer in the same day with clashing timings, she came down for both (rushing between the two matches) to show her support. She didn't go up to the teams and said "hi good luck guys, blah blah blah", she just stands in the crowd with her adoring students and just cheered - that does infinitely more than pointless mutterings.

From what I've heard, he didn't even know some of the performing arts had Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) performances. They didn't even ask for supporters and he did not even take the liberty to find out when they are performing.

Inspirational? Sadly its not. This year is probably the worst year for VJC sports, the guys side. In VJ, the sports are close, after all the small college grounds means we inevitably bump into everyone eventually. Like pillars we stand and when one falls, the others tremble. Soccer was probably the last male sport we had for a chance of making the finals and now thats gone.

As an injured softballer, it saddens me to see my friends devastated, to see teams falling one by one. As a year two it worries me that when batches to come look back, they might see the graduating batch of 2007 as a failure.

Mr. Chan, you still have 4 and a half more years, learn that in a junior college academic excellence isn't everything. You want lots of As? Sure, but RJ, HC, NJ and a variety of other schools can also produce such results. What made us different, what made us special, is-or rather was (now that you're here)-our excellent overall sports record and a school spirit unmatched in any other college. All that on top of excellent results. And even though you stress for us to mugmugmug while supporting matches, while training, you don't see that for a Victorian if you don't get days off just to feel good, if you don't see your teams winning just to feel good, you can't really study.

With our current negligible principal, the college is sliding into a slump. Why is it we are so dependant on a good one, to make us great? We should create a school identity, a school culture so strong, so meaningful that it would stand the test of time and laugh in the face of crappy leaders. Our thirst for success shouldn't be enhanced or destroyed by a person sitting in the principals office, it should be forever held up high by ourselves, our culture. There are many years to come, and many chances with them, we're counting on you year ones, to make them gold.

So Fight on VJ, Fight on.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

so what am i supposed to feel?

Bloggers being a bitch. damn.

VJC softball is overall double third with the guys beating NJ 12-2 and the girls 7-3, this marks the end of this years softball season and also the end of softball for many of the year twos. From here on life will be a flurry of mugging, lectures and tutorials as the blardy A levels approach. (and all the frick'n lectures tests) So to my year 2 buddies (in alphabetical order, i think):

Dualiap with the damn nice name (danielyew): The first base big man with the smooth swing, you never fail to crack me up with your constant fluctuations between cynicism and total random lameness. Life was really great when we could make racist jokes about krishnan during trainings, expecially with your cock expression while scolding him. =D

David: My lecture kaki gamer freak, always trying to influence us boy boys to play LAN when training/match has been canceled/postponed, while you're really (like REALLY) gong and irritating at times you're still good fun to be with. Especially so when you're on one of your lame streaks, cracking me up. During this period of time i've noticed your throw has improved drastically so i guess some hard work has paid of eh? Just study more and play less PS2/DOTA/Handphone-games alright?

James: Drummer freak! You're always the skinny lame bitch who makes me totally stunned with your very lame comments and replies. You're my coffee kaki (with park+david) for lectures and the bugger who never ceases to impress me by playing handphone games but still understanding the lecture! You're always the helpful boy making sacrifices while being staunch about sticking to your decisions. Its always great to see your determination in all the stuff you do, it makes me want to work even harder. Don't be sad about your weak arms, they drum well and now they'll own "A"s!

Krishnan: The holy cow man who eats beef anyway. I salute you for being so understanding that our racist jokes are all for fun, laughter, peace and joy and playing along with us, that takes a great amount of heart and mind to do. Respect. I'm also rather jealous that you live so bloody near to school, and of your HOLYSHITOWNAGEWTF grades. Seriously, you can consider being a professor man!

Park: The bossman-vice-captain-whom-everyone-thinks-is-the-captain-somehow. You're another of my lecture kakis whos always being damn lame and agitated about people you're not liking at the moment. Its always nice sharing good music with you and our piano sessions (despite my total suckiness at learning it) have always been enjoyable, even when you don't have "new material" for us. You didn't get to play much this year, but its alright cause i feel that your support, your friendliness has been important, if not integral, in holding the team together. Now its time to work hard to achieve your last year's goal of doing so well the JC changes its name to Park Junior College.

Qichao: Yo bro, hehe giving up so easily isn't your style. Look at softball, you're always headstrong and eager to do things your own way, to trust in yourself and your abilities that only you know best. You may not believe it but training with you always opened my eyes and gave me greater motivation to excel. Try putting some of that into your personal life and studies man, you'll rock ass and you know that we'll always be around to help you out! Must study together sometime!

Xiahan: The chinese faces of the year, you're the serious yet fun guy of the year twos, always giving an air of responsibility that doesn't border on strictness. You're the man to look for when i need smart and serous conversational material. Of course, study helps are also dispensable from your brilliant dunman head =D

Yinghao: SHAGGY BOY. You're probably the most lovable (after james, with park closely behind you) of the lot despite your constant spewing of vulgarities and eternal dirtiness. You're always huggable and hittable at the same time, totally killing me with laughter at the completely random matter-of-fact statements. You're also great at juggling between mugging and gaming and your grades are testament to that. I sure hope we don't ever lose contact cause the you're probably going to be one of those guys who'll still be as retarded when we all start working, cracking all of us up =)

Yonny: My SJI brudder, haha you're another of those buggers who juggles between two hogh commitment CCAs and also the stress of being a scholar. (keeping grades sky high) Yet you're a good player with good grades and who isn't a freeloader off SC. Respect man, tutor me one day XD

Yongkiat: The great captain who injured me, i don't really hold you for the whole incident cause i know its just a stupid accident. You're the type of cool and composed boys whos also surprisingly sensitive despite your fierce demeanour. Our cool handshake thing always makes me feel a little better somehow and you're always the man to crap with about naruto and whatsnot. (Secret: when i first saw your throw i made it my goal to beat that standard, i.e. you were probably my first motivators to EXCEL in softball) You were also highly supportive for the period just after the accident, some people might call it "expected" but seriously from the bottom of my heart thanks for being there, it meant alot.

To the year ones, i'll probably type it another day cause i'm tired, but if i somehow don't, then as i always say, you still have next year. And i reiterate that i am convinced that you guys will totally dominate the competition next year, i've seen the talent and i see the hard work. That goes for the girls too, you gals just got unlucky this year, you can see it as letting the cupboard take a break from holding the trophy all these years. Next year its time to retrieve the trophy back from its surrogate holders, so go for it!

I say all these yet i wonder what i really should be feeling about this whole situation. Win, lose, isome people keep trying to make it seem like it doesn't concern me, like i am unworthy. For now, I'm actually affected by that.

Save me from my redoubt of rage

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The End

Today you had your last training, tomorrow you'll have your last game. For some, this is the end of your softball lives, for some, it is merely the beginning. No matter what though, after the match you will always remember those you have played with, those you have fought with. You will always remember the smell of ripped grass and kicked up sand, the sounds of calls and taunts, the sting of balls batted and caught.

Some people believe that it is time that makes great friends. Such a view holds true in many cases, but i also believe that there are people whom you can instantly warm up to, whom you've just met but you feel you've known forever. A team isn't a team if you aren't friends, a team isn't a team if you can't trust your teammates, if you can't believe in them. So take your belief and your resolve and put it forward, let each other know you trust each other.

The outcome of tomorrow's match doesn't matter, win or lose we'll still be third. What better chance is there to play your hearts out? No worries. No stress. Just you, the ball and your friends.

Tomorrow is NJC at NJC at 2.30, show them all how softball is really played.

So Remember Us Always

Make magic in the game

Make peace with our lord(s) (holy cows included)

No matter what, never point fingers

Just knock 'em out, boys, (and gals), make us proud =)

Friday, May 04, 2007

Of the Guns and the Roses

Your fragile, folded wings,
Are just tired from the pure blue sky.
You don't have to force your smiles for anyone,
It's okay to smile for yourself...

Sometimes anime songs just have nice, meaningful lyrics.

Today i went to have the stitch on my eye taken out and boy, was it sick. The guy had some cor-something soemthing forceps and he took a full 5minutes or so plucking and cutting at my EYEBALL to remove the stitch, while i had to keep still whilst i experienced plucking and tugging sounds and feelings. Thank goodness he shone light at the eye to make me blinded or i would have freaked.

The guys had a match against ACS(I), too and they lost 2-1, conceding the last point in the last inning. I couldn't catch the match due to infection prevention measures but apparently Albert said u guys did well and didnt scold you all, so that speaks alot for itself. Anyhow i shall reiterate and say that for the year ones, you have next year and i'm quite confident you'll own it all under Edmunds (and hopefully the V-cap's) steady leadership and the boons of having strong and bonded year two (now year one) players. Just remember to elect the next leader based on leadership, not talent or age or experience.

Reading the papers, most educated people around the world will probably know about the Virginia Tech massacre where a korean man named Cho killed 32 people before commiting suicide. The media, critics, human rights activists and whoever-else have all slammed it on the ease that the state allows guns to be bought. Many also believe that the very fact guns are legal and easily accessible in the country to be a discerning facotr for the US and other countries' high levels of homicides. They protest for guns to be made illegal, they despise the government for their political motives behind sticking to the highly popular gun laws and the idea of "Freedom America". They hope for an America without households with guns, where the streets are safe to roam, they hope it comes soon for they fear more school/workplace shootings.

However, it is not so simple to prohibit guns all of a sudden. It is not merely the political blow that senators and ministers and whatsnots will suffer. It is not merely the implications of shackles and chains that the government would show that matters. It simply the human nature of greed and distrust that hamstrings any such ideas.

Imagine the banning of guns in civilian possession, where guns that have been sold have to be retrieved. Then think of the illegal arms circulating in the country, and of arms whose records have been lost. Certainly people who own such guns would not be willing to surrender their prized possessions, made even more valuable by the fact its illegal. You may suggest checks and investigations, but America is vast and the gun is almost considered a household item, besides, the very notion of "checking for unpatriotic possession of arms" would certainly go against the red blue and white of liberty. Then the problem gets worse, previously in shootings and robberies at least it was the "armed versus the armed" but now its the "armed versus the housewife". Owning a firearm gives criminals power increased exponentially with every other gun surrendered, and with such power, comes greater motivation to break the law with it. Such potetntial victims would thus be driven to protect their own rights, to strive to keep arms for themselves, to defend themselves. The ideal may be achieved, but society will be in greater danger.

Then consider the sheer amount of surrendered firearms. What would the government do with them? Melting them down would be un-economical for pragmatic America and that leaves exporting them to other nations, endangering their societies. When such exports are not enough, the government tries to lobby around the own laws it has created, to try to sell back these guns to "trustworthy" and " certified" people. Going back to problem number one, the availability of guns.

On a second note, melting the guns down would probably required copious amounts of pollution to facilitate and that certainly would piss off those involved in the Kyoto protocol further. Of course its also pertinent to note that America refused to be part of it on the stand that China and India were not included due to their status as develping nations. That makes 3, 3 power-consuming superpowers who could single handedly reverse any effects of the Kyoto protocol. So whats the point of the Kyoto protocol? To ensure that the pollution isn't even more? Or is it an attempt to show the world that involved nations care about the rising problem of pollution?

Haze, global warming, the list of detrimental effects that pollution can create is almost endless. The flowers are dying, the trees are falling, the seas are rising and what do we do? We seek to reduce present causes of such pollution whilst science rushes on at a blindingly blistering pace, creating even more avenues for destruction. There is a part in Dan Brown's book Angels and Demons where there is a speech on "science versus religion". It is too lengthy to quote here but it does show off a key point- that science is progressing at a pace that is exponential, whose limits do not merely multiply with minds but multiply upon each other to create unimaginable possibilities. But we cannot stop science, its mammoth march is not stoppable for man has a need for knowledge and understanding and each new discovery creates new questions, making it an infinite quest. All we can do is control its pace, to dedicate more to contol the side effects of our research. To control our basest nature to utilise the power that we are given but cannot truly grasp.

"It took man thousands of years to progress from the wheel to the car but only decades from the car to space." - Dan Brown, Angels and Demons.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

past is past

Its alright to lose, as long as you learn and had fun with it. I didn't manage to rush down to watch the boys play, only to watch them cheer. With the exception of a devastated Haiwei, the team seemed pretty relaxed and took the 12-0 loss with a "haiz, oh wells" air of resignation. I suppose to them winnning would have been nice, but closing the 21-1 gap to 12-0 was somewhat of an improvement. Doesn't matter, you guys have hit short of champions but all that there is to do now is to win the rest of your matches, while praying RJ falls to ACS. (whom you peeps will beat on friday) Which of course would give you fighting chance for the trophy.

The girls lost by a extremely tight 1-0 with Bidhya nearly making it to first base with two down on the last inning. Park and I were probably getting cramps from the frustrated actions we were making in the last few innings. It is interesting to note that RJ enjoys hustling and during the girls match, even the guys team was hustling the batters from the bench. Perhaps thats one of the reasons why it appears to me that the girls bat exponentially better during their trainings? Or perhaps its nercousness, or nervousness from the hustling. Either way, i feel the loss wasn't due to much difference in skill of pitching or fielding but rather to suay batting.

It is quite pitiful when a team has to rely on making fun of others to throw them off though. Its all right to irritate the batter or even the pitcher by coaxing them to make mistakes, at least its a general, non-personal attack. But when you start to make fun of their own styles? When you tease them for how they play? Thats just disgusting and it only proves how being a team for 6 years has apparently contributed nothing to your dignity and pride. The pride of our nation? From what i'd seen today/yesterday, if thats true then our nation is doomed. If we made personal attacks at you people you'd probably end up crying. Be thankful Park and I have our moral restrictions.

Anyway, the games are over, theres no point looking back and wondering if you could have put in more effort, for that energy should be spent working on reaching your potential for every game from now. For your potentials are vast, most of you have come from schools that picked you for your talents and honed them for four years and now you have been thrust together by fate to play as a team. Its time to act like one, to cheer like one, to live like one. Stop fragmenting despite the tension that exists in some places, ignore what doesn't matter in games and play for what does.

It isn't for you to decide who plays with you, but it is for you to decide what you play for. So play for the team, not any individuals and remember that when a team loses, its the teams fault, not anyones. Of course, you can also blame it to a coke buying teacher who tries to give you all stomachaches but thats up to Park/Jenzus/Edmund to settle.

Either way had dinner with some SJI peeps today, wanted to catch a 9-something movie at first but due to lousy timings we settled for a talkcock session at carl's instead. Then along comes FC and Sham goes "fuck, hide hide its *******!" So i confusedly looked around for some guy in VJ uniform while he was going "fuck dont look la cheebye, don't let him see us!" So ya i only saw him after he passed us in home clothes, and it was like, 11 at PS. Nothing much to do there at that time. And so Sham, Justin, Xuan and me heaved a sigh of relief he didn't notice us even as the rest of 'em at other tables continued making a nuisance of themselves. Quite sad to be remembered negatively by secondary school ex-classmates and your JC schoolmates huh. tsk.

Anyway to fill my suddenly empty post-school/studying/other-stuff timeslots, my bro and I have decided to look for a dragonboat club to join, currently i'm hoping his teacher in charge will have some ideas, but shy ol' nick will probably take a few months to come up with a speech to ask for it. Well, theres still the guitar course.

And why hes pissed at some school with a wierd name:

This is the video of their 1st/2nd placing being screwed by some random school that can't steer properly. Stupid, huh.