Saturday, December 30, 2006

Feeling Slack

Feeling rater Shlack now. Supposed to be at school for OGL briefing, but last night felt so freaking shagged that i decided i shall be an asshole and not go today.

Oh well, feeling rather lamed out by some people who try to butt into our OG (ok fine he IS in our OG but how often does he appear?) and be very friendly as if he knows me very well like that. Rather irritated but thats sad stuff.

Stayed over in school for the OGL "camp" that didnt include staying over. So yea we had to sneak in at 11 after e guard left. I'm amazed i did it with a dislocated shoulder @.@

We went back to school and as we THOUGHT e girls shower was locked they all ventured into the boys toilet to shower. Its amazing how derelict the toilet is at night when all the cockroaches and lizards wake up to run around and frighten girls and Timmy the humjikia. Would upload the video of jason being pest control but can't seem to upload it to youtube =.=

The most amazing part was after the whole scream scream freak out incidentand when all the girls were bathing, i had an idea to look at the SECOND door to the girls shower (if you're in vj you know what i mean) Oh wow it was open. so we (the guys) went to bathe in the amazingly hygiene girls shower. It was like some kind of switch of showers or something. And BTW girls use CHAOJIZAI FACIAL FOAM with menthol and stuff @.@

We planned to sleep in the surgically clean and airconditioned T block but SOMEONE just had to say "aiya just sleep in the house comm room la", which by the way, is an utter shithole as i told hoon. Like while playing cards some caterpillar thing crawled out and caused another scream scream freak out thing =.= And while we were playing cards the CT dudes were in the other room doing some rather lame stuff like jumping jacks and...running, all those "common" stuff people do for stayovers =/

Under the mat the floor looked like it hasnt been cleaned for 3 years (incidentally thats the time house comm has been established) and sleeping there let us feel how prisoners feel, except they aren't usually cramped 8 to a room like us. Stupid Althea kept hitting me too =.=

The next day (yesterday) we had SEA REGATTA!!!! (or however u spell it). Park was rather lame trying to give the briefing but relying on me to remind him of things when he only told me 5 minutes before. Poor nervous park =D

The games themself were quite generic like dog n bone, flagstealer and captains balloon where i had to be amazing in my throwing and throw at pinpoint accuracy with a dislocated shoulder =.=
I must add that Jireh is rather persistent at holding onto his shirt (the flag). Kudos.

Then we had sand burial in which Park piled sand on me (after the OG was finished since he was a CT and was scolded for "helping"). Pile as in pile, for the whole duration he piled enough sand to cover everyone else on me. I couldn't even move my hands la thanks. Stupid park, luckily i dunked him already >.>

Washing everything off included doing mass dance in the water, not easy if u actually try that.
The remaining day was largely uneventful as compared to the morning events and i was falling asleep most of the time (stupid people only wanted to sleep 3 hours). Rawr.

I'm tired. =X

Monday, December 25, 2006

Getting that impulse again

Once upon a time when i was young and very much more angsty then i currently am i spent my days hating people and ranting continuously. I developed this organ somewhere that makes me target people that i dislike alot and make me plot and plan and DO things to make them utterly miserable.

SJI somehow suppressed that and i only got so pissed twice in four years till i thought i wont be such a bastard anymore.

But now a candidate has appeared. A being so screwy that the first comment i heard upon hearing this persons name was a negative one and that every comment prior to meeting this person did not give one a good impression.

With comments ranging from "Two-faced Fuck" to "Pervert" and multiple examples and evidences from people near and far to him, my seeing him face to face was not terrific.

I remember him sitting down alone while everyone else chatted in groups and at first almost feeling sorry for the sorang little child, but then i realised it was more of that he didnt want to participate for whatever foolish reason he may have had. That day (First day of OGL meeting thing) he disappeared halfway, apparently cause he found it boring.

That kinda ticked me off, alot actually. I guess in my typical despicable malicious way i vented it out on a friend, and i'm sorry bout that man, if u felt hurt.

today i had a msn convo going on from around 2 to 3 am till now, where its still going on. Much of e later convo is about this fellow and i must say that impulse went from the nostalgic tingle when i first met him to the current full blown psychotic urge to just screw him up.

Even now i'm getting FACTS, not opinions mind you, about how hes not just a backstabber but also a hypocrite, that what he backstabs people about also applies to him in full force.

I hate Two-Faced Fucks (TFFs) but more than that i hate hypocrites.

That impulse is pulling.

I can't sleep i cant thin straight im too excited i wana hurt him i wana make him cry i wana i wana i wana.

But everytime i do this i end up screwing some part up and getting unwanted effects. I hope this time, if i cant control myself, i dont screw up.

HOWEVER thats all rant so noone should care about this much. I do realise though that this has become a ranting blog. The type that talks all about my life as if anyone cares. I hate those blogs, now im hating this blog. This sucks. And i rant yet again.

ANYWAY onto happier, less depressing stuff like my CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! BTW i must apologise for not saying A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ONE AND ALL!!!!

Okay, well i didnt get much but i DID get this random perfume/cologne thingy from bodyshop which was VERY cool-ly packaged in a paper bag with a ribbon and stuff, very nice.

I also got a rather cool pendant thing that i'm going to wear later along with my 1337 rings (okay, RING)

Okay so i don't get exciting stuff for christmas anymore, that ended like a couple of years ago along with my innocence and my last Transformer toy (that happens to be lying somewhere at the salvation army. I think/hope)

Oh Oh i also got PLAY DOUGH. Haha! Seriously i never played with it before, im almost scared to make something =,= Havent sculpted in over 2 years!

But this christmas my mom and dad are in China, so i'm a rather free boy on 25th of December 2007 (today)

Anyhow i'm tired and i should sleep for today is meant for playing and i need my ENERGY.

Or i can go play LAN and get a magical instant refuel to my concentration/awakeness levels!

Rawr, the magic of DotA =/

Thursday, December 21, 2006

I'm NOT old la.

Walao i log they call me "Old Blogger" sia...why everyone think i old??

Like seriously people think I'm an "ah pek" for some stupid reason or another...=/

Well I'm NOT. Im a young boy with a young immature mind. Hmpfh.

Well been rather busy with Softball + OGL. Some of you rather egoistic self-important people may say "Where have, i more busy please u only 2 things i got like 55139811 things to do and people to meet lei!" Yea well fuck off lol. Softball and OGL each take up about a day so yea i'm kinda indisposed monday to friday for the whole week thank you very much.

And obviously i'm busy on weekends too since saturday and sunday is GOING OUT day, hurrah. <.<

Haiz just read e blog of some guy who thinks hes on a different frequency from e guys in our OG...(Yup i'm an OGL)
Rather interesting sia..But somehow I (and WE) think its more of we dont like him and just dont wanna mix with him cause hes an arrogant two-faced fuck that isn't really worth talking to since he doesn't have any substance.

And btw in OGL it isnt getting high with UNKNOWN people, just ask their name and they're your fucking friends, learn to be social u asshole.

I hate flaming people, as good as i am at it (yes yes thats my ego-blown head u see outside your window..)