Monday, May 19, 2008

The Good Guy

Reading the newest Dean Koontz novel i've got on my shelf, after a long period of abstinence. Cracking open the novel and whisking through the first two chapters, covering 20 pages, i was reminded, all over again, of how i fell in love with his books.

He writes with an almost cheerful tone, under which cynicism and skepticism are somehow subsumed. The characters are not explained but fleshed out through conversation and actions, so subtle and intelligent you wonder how the hell he comes up with books so quickly. They tend to be characters that are not outstanding in personality or skill, but are simply people faced with situations and who rise up to them. In all their average virtues, the characters stand out even more as they make sense, as you can relate somewhat to them. Did i mention that the dialogue in his books tend to be beautifully witty? Coupled with his flair with metaphors and analogies that is almost poetic, the book makes for an amazing literary journey into a world just like ours, yet unimaginable and unbelievable.

Now back to my book and cook, for i guess i ought to mail him soon.


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