Sunday, May 20, 2007

Dragonforce are now officially good live performers.

Just got back a while ago from Dragonforce's live performance here in our very own downtown east and i must say they've really improved from the fall-off-stage-drunks that they were last time! I just drank a breda and a heineken so i'm a little high, forgive me if i dont make sense anywhere in the post.

The concert started real late, probably since they had to wait for the poor turnout to enter the little place, i'm guessing somewhere between 700-1000 people, out of a standing capacity of 2000. Not too great, but its encouraging considering this is the first time their here in Singapore and the lack of mainstream advertising. Sadly despite the enthusiasm (initial) the crowd was quite lethargic and dead in the beginning and moshing was practically inexistant whilst jumping and even just singing along was hardly present. As zp (lead) stated: "that was horrible" after the crowd flopped at singing.

Thankfully they managed to get pretty drunk by the second half and really started going crazy, making the crowd get just a little higher. A mosh pit of about 20-30 people was created, some bodysurfing happened and lots more shouting, screaming and singing along by the crowd. To the left is probably the best and coolest looking picture i got throughout the performance and as you can see, we were pretty close to the stage! Sadly some of us are pretty short and somehow we seemed to have extra tall people standing in front of us.

At points it seemed to me like Herman was bored, after all he looked relaxed even as he dished out whicked soloes. After some consideration though we decided its just cause hes too damn good that such "simple" stuff were like second nature to him.

Some pics:

Pre-concert high! The Dragonforcers - Jastine Shayne JAmes Normen Me Yuanhong Edmund (in his uber-bright-yellow-asking-to-be-whacked adidas tee)

A lousy pic of James and I, post-concert

A pretty lousy shot of a very drunk Sam Totman ("yoo wheres the cameras..? Woa i see stars flashing"), nearly got a pic with him, damn! Jastines got a better shot, shall grab it next time!

Edmund tired out after the trip, aaw how cute! haha

During the concert this convo occured, not sure between who so i'll guess abit.

ZP (i think): Are you all ready to blow the fucking roof off? (something like that)

Fred: dude you just said fuck, you're gonna get jailed dude.

Which is quite true, in Singapore the conservative rules are so strict you can't curse without fearing some bad, official consequences. Which might explain the not-so-terrific turnout (I'm sure there are more metalheads out there who didn't come, like Shiva and co.) Which might also explain why the crowd was generally boring and looked like they were at some school play without seats. Which might explain why some 2m tall guy was pissed off at moshers, pushing me away real hard at the back of my neck even though i hardly touched him. Which probably explains why when we pushed some people around us most didnt join in the moshing. We're just a little too conservative to hold true metal concerts.

Lets hope by the time Iron Maiden comes (if ever) Singapore will be ready to give them a huge crazy crowd to rock the national stadium.

I want a Dragonforce guitar pick! @.@


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