Saturday, November 18, 2006

Promoted or Demoted? @.@

Been training Softball like a DOG e past coupla weeks...well and my computer was spoilt for quite a while too, but is now up and running (though not entirely without problems) all thanks to TERENCE. omgheisliketotallymysaviourandimsoundinglikeabimborightaboutnoweventhoughimnotagirl.

recently i've been asked to catch for park (yes PARK, if u flip his initials its J.S. Park so dont mess with him in soccer =D) for some reason that i'm not sure about. Initially its cause i was free but then coach has started asking me out to help him catch when mr. yongkiat isnt around for whatever reasons he may have.

I wonder, is it a promotion or a demotion?

i mean like it could be a)
Somehow coach sees some hidden potential in me to be catcher and so wants me to train to be one rather than concentrate on fielding (which i personally think i'm kinda bad at at e moment....) In this case its a promotion since if i start training to be catcher i may make second choice cather, meaining i'll prolly be in e team.

OR it could be b)
i'm so louya and hopeless (which may be true, i cant gauge) that coach decided to give up on me and just utilize me to do saikang by catching balls for park since he thinks that even if i train fielding theres no hope for me.

hopefully its A. =/



HOPESSSS!!!!!! >.<


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