Sunday, March 18, 2007


This is absurd, after all this time i still can't bear to read some of their blogs. Just a mention of it makes my heart beat faster, a picture makes me frown and reminisce of the good ol' times. As Jastine tagged in hy's blog, "**** la, i wanna play =(". Which effectively sums up alot of my emotions as i was bloghopping just a few minutes before. What were all my resolutions for when the yearning returns so easily. Where is the self control?

Either way Jastine's surgery was "great success", as i quote him Though he'll be warded a minimum of 4 days i suppose the success means he won't be facing any complications and i really hope the pains bearable. Short term pain is worth it boy, i've got faith in ya.

Now i've got a four day blank to fill in, though nothing much has happened due to me unexpected blindness and the looming A levels. (actually alot of months more) But, we watched 300 on wednesday! (and i'm the only legal one =/)

Slavedriver: the arrows will be so numerous that they will blot out the sun!
Spartan: So much the better, we shall fight in the shade.

That is a factual line spoken by Dienekes. While i feel the line could have been stretched longer for better effect, it is probably the scene to watch the movie for. Of course, if you're under 18 you'd have to sneak in due to the frequent flashes of breasts bouncing around and the copious amounts of blood splashing everywhere. Of course, the visual effect of some of the God-King Xerxes' "experiments" may be quite traumatising for the weak at heart.

But it is an excellent movie with jaw dropping choreography and a soundtrack vastly deviating from those usually associated with ancient battles. The effect of this deviation is perfection for the show. The courage and the sheer intensity of the legendary battle is cleverly recreated in the movie and throughout it there was little incentive to tear our eyes off the screen (except wenyi, who was happily stealing my drink AND cookies)

The courage of mortal men in the face of impossible odds is usually only achieved when they have a great goal or mission. It is that drive inside us, that reason for fighting on that grants us the spark of divinity to lose ourself in the pursuit of that goal. Of course, self sacrifice is neither the most desirable nor the most accoladed of outcomes when there is success to consider. "To do, or die trying" is a common phrase that many use, so much so that it almost becomes a flippant expression of a desire to succeed, for tasks big and small. To use such a phrase perhaps instills them with that subconscious thought that failure is damning and that pushes themselves to strive beyond their limits, it fills them with the conviction to push themselves till they must stop. It represents the want to succeed, to protect or destroy or achieve. We will all find a goal one day that is worth the risk of death - a person, an ideal, an object, a dream, an illusion even. And that is when you should "prepare for glory".

Then on friday we had an SJI dinner at Fish n co after realising that Manhattan fish market had an amazingly long queue (along with just about every other eating place in ps) As it was August's birthday MJ and i got the Benriks diary for him so he can change his life this new year while Andrew and Michael got him a lycra spaghetti strap thing so he can change his sex this same new year. In the end he had to wear it as he stood on his chair, holding a sparkler, and endure curious looks as the staff sang the fish and co birthday rap and made him blow out the candles on the (yummy) cake while standing straight.

Then august turns to me and says "my birthday wish is for you to wear this. =)" And so he stood up and proceeded to put the stretchy black thing over my head and soon enough everyone was helping to pull the thing over me, commenting on how it works on me as tank top, sports bra and spaghetti stripe all at the same time. At least i wasn't alone as we started playing games like 7-up and 007 with the forfeit of having to wear the thing and walk around fish and co, both levels of it. (Lucky i didn't have to walk around in it) Michael and then Zhiquan had the honour of getting to parade august's present in front of the other fish n co customers (Andrew narrowly missed it by claiming sudden death is not the way to play 007)

I must say michaels abs show through the lycra material quite well and that zhiquans white shirt made the black thing stand out even more. Got pictures but being the tech loser i have no clue how i'm supposed to post them up so i guess noone have to have their retinas burnt out my pictures of grown men wearing a tiny overstretched piece of lycra.

We chowed through over $250 of food and drinks between the dozen or so of us and paying was considerably more efficient then we expected, other than having to complain about how we were charged an extra fish n chips. While MJ happily planned a small little outing august and i found it in ourselves to call in a few extra people (and people mj overloooked, the bastard) KT appeared as well in the middle of nowhere to supplement the acjc bowling team's turnout.

me: eh i didnt know you were coming sia.
kt: ya, neither did i.

And i realised climbing the "love" outside fish n co is legal! Cause theres no sign that says "climbing this is illegal" and i'm not vandalising anything, in fact i'm helping them clean the dust off...


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