Wednesday, December 26, 2007

once and twice

Today started with a...DISLOCATION! But first a word from our "sponsors". Converse Century with collectible wooden box! Apparently only about 300 (of each or altogether i wouldn't know) are shipped to each continent. I'd like to get my hands on one of these, even though i'm not that big a converse fan.

And back to our programme.

It hurt, the dislocation that is. I woke, put my hands behind my head and flex-stretched-yawned-something and crack-rip-crack. (no really it sounds like crackign and ripping)
Muttering "shitshitfuckdamnit" i had to slowly lift my arm to a 90 degree angle, before relaxing my muscles as much as possible so as to ease the joint back in, with a painless double crack-squish.
It stung for a while, but i was tired, so i slept another hour or so.

After actually getting out of bed, i began to realise that despite the initial mind blowing pain my shoulder was feeling much better. Previously simple actions shot pain up and down my arm but now, its only at extreme angles (which i shouldn't be in) that there is some amount of pain.

Conclusion: the first time i must have let some muscle get pinched in the joint and this recent dislocation fixed that. A radical, but pain-relieving remedy.

So the chinese say fight poison with poison, yi 毒攻毒. (ya couldn't find the word yi to copy-n-paste)


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