Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Explain to me

Today nick, ys all that were talking about how khai, fushi and shah were getting their Top 3 achievements cut. Thats pretty serious, obviously, so i checked with shah what was going on.

Apparently, they (the VS malay gang, to be general) went for the floorball finals against MJC and sat at the MJ side, clapping and cheering for both teams. Well, that seems like a good show of sportsmanship by them considering how i understand their impression of the current floorball team has not been positive. Yet someone (its either a floorballer or the teacher in charge since there wasn't any other VJ people there) decided that it was greatly "un-patriotic", that as pure victorians (VS -> VJ) they were betraying their school.

So now we can't sit with the opposing school? We can't cheer for them? Mr Seet and Mr Tan seem to think that way. They originally threatened to cut their top 3 achievements and have them make a public apology. Apologise for fuck? Shah was even keen to do it, since he could then explain properly to people who would listen. (which means everyone who can see beyond their own noses)

Shah originally tried to explain and to have a civil and logical discussion with the teachers about this issue but after Mr Seet threw his temper and started banging table and shouting and i-dono-what, he just kinda gave up trying. Now they're supposed to write letters of apology and clean the school canteen for...some time.

Lets not look at the fact they're being punished for retarded reasons first. Lets look at how the teachers decided they could ruin a bunch of boys' lives just because they seemed to "betray" the school. I'm sure there are people who utterly detest their own schools, who go to competitions specially to see/hope their schools lose. But whats the rationale for punishing such actions? is it illegal to dislike something? is it against the rules to not support your own school? We do not have obligations, only choices. We do not see Singaporean bettors cheering for Malaysia at the Tiger Cup getting thrown into jail, or fined, or blacklisted, do we? They have the right to cheer for whoever and whatever they want.

So why is a school presuming that their students must have undying, unwavering loyalty to their school that sportsmanship becoms a sin?

And i wonder what drove the complainee to complain, the only unbiased view i can have now is that whenever they saw them, (the VS gang) they had conceded a goal and were looking around in dejectment to see them clapping/cheering. When we are frustrated and losing, we tend to blame everything else but ourselves, to find an outlet for our pent up anger and perhap humiliation. So they may have decided they lost because of the demoralising effect that a couple of guys cheering for the other team had on them. Thats just one view, though.

Sometimes this school is just ridiculous in the decisions it makes.

but what can we say?


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