Thursday, March 23, 2006

WTF la no real-life Brokeback in SG, please.

I'm sure Singapore hasn't made gay marriages legal yet right? Then again I haven't opened the freaking papers in a damn long time so i can't say for sure.

So I was taking my usual trip back home, sitting innocently in the bus attempting to fall asleep when suddenly two dudes plop themselves in front of me. So thats pretty normal and the ride continued being all quiet (oh yes the bus is REALLY empty) for a while. Then suddenly WTF la I was awakened from my half-sleep by GIGGLES from in front. Okay so many of my more effeminate friends tend to giggle when they get high but this was real GIGGLING. So being the typical kaypoh kia i am i peered over to look at what that guy (?) was giggling at.

Clutched in his partner's hands happened to be this RING. Like, a marriage ring. That dude (?) giggled and giggled and then yelped into his partner's hands.

I felt truly sad to be the only person (other than the bus driver, who seemed to be blissfully oblivious) in the bus to witness what appeared to be a proposal or something.

So that dude (?) just hugged the other guy and guess what? THEY STARTED FRENCHING IN FRONT OF ME LA.

My god i felt so.....violated =/

Thank god they weren't trainees for the world record and they finished their act after about 20seconds. I swear the whole time i was trying my best to seem dead and nonexisting, though that probably wasn't needed since they were totally OBLIVIOUS about their surroundings right from the start.

I don't think theres a Bukit Brokeback or a Mount BackBreak In Singapore, but my general info sucks so maybe theres one hidden in Tampines or somewhere...

I hope Singapore stays BackBroken-less, though

*Note the blogger has no real aggressive disapproval of gays in general. But he DOES disapprove of them making out in public.


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